Graffiti Office Mural in Atlanta for B+L

We refer to this graffiti office mural as an architect’s dream. Browder + LeGuizamon is a structural engineering firm in Atlanta. For this piece, we paid homage to the detailed precision of blueprints and prototypes.

With B+L’s graph paper logo in the foreground, our artist hand-painted replicas of the firm’s building projects from all over the city. These include well-recognized landmarks: corporate sky-rises, city markets, university housing, luxury residential apartments, churches, hotels, and more. The two founders sit in the middle of these fine, intricate illustrations. The location of this mural is a highlight, it spans two spaces: a conference room and a hallway. The two areas are divided by glass so the viewer can see the entirety from either side. We credit our artist for going above and beyond for this one!

graffiti office mural

The wide shot above shows most of the mural, the glass divider projects from the wall near the graph paper style logo also.

graffiti office mural

We dropped color wheel easter eggs (like Cyan) into the building details.

A lot of little windows in the detail shot above. A lot of little windows in the whole mural..

graffiti office mural

In the picture above you can see the full layout. The glass partition also could have been an interesting opportunity for a multi media install. Maybe vinyls that work with the content as another layer, similar to the Make offices install linked here.

Graffiti office mural.

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