Adding an Edgy Graffiti Visual for Tech Company True Motion

Boston graffiti artist for hire.True Motion is a tech company that uses smartphone sensors to analyze driving patterns and provide insight. Their goal was to add an edgy visual to their office that captures what they do, with graffiti. We deviated from their standard logo form to 2D bubble letters. The theme of “driving intelligence” with real graffiti flairs, shines, and textures, was the solution they were looking for. Using a handwritten type for their slogan, and adding transport lines that ‘connect the dots’, the artwork we painted emphasized movement and disruption in their brand colors.

Boston graffiti artist for hire

A wide shot above showing the hero slogan wall and the open plan workstations across the way.

Boston graffiti artist for hire

The above picture shows the sight lines over the workstations. Our graffiti content is centrally placed for maximum visibility.

Boston graffiti artist for hire

Another semi close up, this time showing the conferences room after the tag line also.

Always a nice touch to continue the design over and around changes in the wall or down the entire corridor. When we can paint an entire plane within an open space it feels more of the place itself. The design becomes more systemic. A cool opportunity when it is available to us.

Boston graffiti artist for hire.

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