Shea Moisture at BlogHer NY Event – Live Mural

We have partnered with Shea Moisture for a couple of different beauty event murals created live onsite. This time, Shea Mositure had a blogging event in the works. It was called #BlogHer15. #BlogHer15 is the world’s largest conference for women content creators. With their motto, “The most people + the most brands = the most opportunity. It’s that simple.”

The creative process for this beauty event mural was a collaborative one between Shea Moisture and one of our artists, Seb Gorey. Of course, the process starts with a general concept with as much information flushed out around content and style via a creative brief. Then, we begin with a rough thumbnail concept sketch. Furthermore, this is to assure everyone is in agreement with the artwork direction. Again, the client is able to provide feedback regarding the design that will be reflected into the next round of sketches for the beauty event mural. Overall, we aim to have artwork approval in advance to the event to allow us time to prep. Lastly, we complete the production install!

For this project, our artist worked on a 8x20ft freestanding wall flat. This is essentially assembling a large wooden wall onsite with jacks and weighted sandbags in the back. A perfect option to make for an impactful space within a booth for conference and events. The #BlogHer15 event was held at the Hilton in New York City. Our artist had a great time painting the beauty event mural live. And besides, the live painting brought a lot of extra foot traffic to the booth. Not many people have seen spray painting up close and personal like that.

Beauty Event Mural Images for Shea Moisture

Please take a look at photos of the beauty event mural we created for Shea Moisture at a recent LA BeautyCon event as well. Images of the Shea Moisture NY installation can be seen below:

Beauty Event Mural

hire a graffiti artist

ny graffiti artist for hire

beauty graffiti artist

Beauty Event Mural

Beauty Event Mural

For project inquiries, please contact us at or call 646-801-6024

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