New Balance Truck Activation for NYC Marathon

We helped with this unique project including a truck mural for event activation in partnership with New Balance. The New Balance brand has a strong presence at marathons around the NY area. This year, the New York City Marathon was on Halloween and New Balance created a brand new shoe for it. Their shoe was called the NYC Zante.

Since we’ve partnered with New Balance in the past, they are a very familiar and trusting client. For this marathon, they wanted to challenge us to create something different than a live mural. Specifically, they wanted to grab their audiences attention and spark interest in a new way for this exciting shoe. Equally as important, they wanted this year’s activation to include a charitable offering or donation. And this is where we came up with the truck mural for event idea!

New Balance filled a box truck in midtown with their new NYC Zante shoes. While greeting runners at the end of the marathon, New Balance was giving away sneakers to any runner willing to donate the sneakers on their own feet!  A lot of runners were down for the cause and supported New Balance and their truck mural for event activation. While New Balance was gifting their new shoes, our team was creating custom artwork on the exterior of the truck.

We hand painted with spray paint the campaign tagline “Run smooth, Run NYC” in bubble letters. Each bubble letter contained iconic references to running and the city within its shape. On the other side of the truck mural for event, we painted the NYC skyline, the NYC Zante shoe, New Balance logo and a person running.

Truck Mural for Event Activation with New Balance

Check out photos of the event below. Along with video content!

Truck Mural for Event

New Balance Graffiti

Truck Mural for Event with New Balance

For more truck mural for event project inquiries, please contact us at or call 646-801-6024

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