Live Graffiti Artist for Airbnb Open in Downtown LA

We were honored to offer live painting on canvas as part of the Airbnb Open in DTLA. Above all, the client was looking for something to entertain and engage their audiences. Furthermore, they wanted to promote their Airbnb Experiences feature with available activities in different cities.

Therefor, we suggested to have a couple of different activations for the live event. First, we suggested we do live painting on canvas with a graffiti artist. Additionally, we recommended that our artist paint live custom graffiti tags for name tags. For this purpose, guests were able to choose colors and name, nickname or initials. Consequently, it was a fun way to put a creative spin on typical name badges. Not to mention, a great conversation starter! Indeed, all guests left happy!

The live painting on canvas was a feature of artist Gorey. He created his recognizable paintings of different types of home dwellings. He is the perfect match for the client. His personal style and content align naturally and organically to the brand. He created various drawings of different style homes. Some with vibrant colors and playful features. In conclusion, both client and artist were stoked to collaborate together for the event.

Besides the live painting on canvas, the event included 3 days of guest speakers. Speakers included celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow & Ashton Kutcher.  The event ended with a celebration called Open Spotlight. It included a concert featuring bands like Best Coast, Maroon 5 and guest appearance by Lady Gaga!

Live Painting on Canvas Photos

Please take a look at photos from the Airbnb Open event for Airbnb Experiences in Downtown LA below:

Live Painting on Canvas in DTLA

Airbnb Open in Downtown LA

"live painting on canvas

live painting on canvas

dtla live street art

la graffiti artist for hire

Live Painting on Canvas in LA

Custom made name tags for AirBnb event guests

For more live painting on canvas project inquiries, please contact us at or call 646-801-6024

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