Sign Painting mural for wellness center in Houston. We partnered with Nest Design Group to paint a large indoor mural. Asked to paint a mural to inspire and promote positivity. Unlike most surfaces, the gate presented challenges. Needless to say, we look forward to tackling challenges with design solutions.
First and foremost we took the surface into consideration in designing. Particularly placing the design elements strategically. We made sure designs are unobstructed. Secondly, we pulled colors used throughout the space. In addition, the sign painting mural is as high as possible. It ensures the sign painting mural is read easier. Lastly, the punchy colors support an impactful message. As you can see, there are many factors to consider. This expertise is what separates us from other muralists.
Without a doubt we maximized the allocated space. The design carefully balances the space. This ensures the powerful message has great impact. Above all, it is hard to notice the mural is on a bumpy canvas. A result of a good design process we had in place. Of course, we also thank Nest for their input!
Without a doubt the fonts were chosen carefully. We chose bold fonts for impact areas. In contrast to lighter weight text for supporting messages.