Hand Painted Mural

Signs are everywhere around us. Storefronts, billboards, buses. And even restrooms! Rather than a traditional vinyl sign, our client chose for a hand painted approach. The Harlem Village Academy in New York City knew just who to call.

Hand painted murals are an art craft. They offer a kind of beauty and personality that fabricated signage can not. They shape up the character of your business and advertising initiative. The school encourages attention to detail and craft. And without a doubt this mural helps hit home that message.

While a small scale project we were happy to collaborate nonetheless. Harlem is home to many ghost paintings that remain from yesteryear. If you’re not familiar to ghost painting take a look at one of our past projects for a Manhattan showroom. We emulated vintage murals you may find resurrected on the side of a building.

Hand Painted Mural

Hand Painted Mural

It should be noted it is important to take placement into consideration. In this case we had to consider the camera and box on the wall. Along with understanding employees sit in the reception area. Obviously we want it to be unobstructed.

Brush Paint

For hand painted or faux ghost painting murals, please contact us at art@graffiti-artist.net or call 646-801-6024