We enjoyed creating this portrait mural in restaurant for the new Mexican restaurant called “Torre” in Center Valley, PA. In particular, we were working with partners, Paxos Restaurant Group and Jeffrey Beers International throughout the creative process.

Above all, they knew from the start they wanted something with high level detail and a portrait of a Mexican woman. As the client wanted to paint the goddess of Agave. After discussing the creative in much further detail and applying some of our own research, we began creating custom sketches for the client.

We painted the portrait mural with the goddess of Agave and featured her lightly blue colored skin. Then, on her face was Day of the Dead makeup. Next, to really make the portrait mural in restaurant pop, we contrasted her blue skin against bright orange and yellow in the background. We added some textured patterns to the background colors, and then it felt like a finished piece.Additionally,

The portrait mural really accentuated the furthest wall in the restaurant. This is the most visible wall when entering the restaurant or making a trip to the bathroom. It added to the ambiance and the owners were very pleased. Between the restaurants furniture and lighting, the portrait mural ties in so well to the rest of the space. We thought it was cool that the mural went directly on paneled wood walls with molding and lion head door knockers. It made the mural feel extremely custom to the space.

If Paxos Restaurant Group and Jeffrey Beers International open up more restaurants across the country, we are happy to work with them on a portrait mural again.

Portrait Mural in Restaurant Torre Images

Please take a look at some of the images from Torre Restaurant below. Plus, there is a progress video showcasing production with a graffiti artist using spray paint!

Torre Restaurant Graffiti

Torre Restaurant Mural

Torre Restaurant Mural

Torre Restaurant Mural

Torre Restaurant Mural

Torre Restaurant Mural

Video of the mural in progress below:

For project inquiries, please contact us at [email protected] or call 646-801-6024