Chalk Style Murals at Make Offices in Washington DC

Our creative team painted a series of chalk murals for the new Make Offices location. First, the Make team chose to partner with us because of our flexibility. In addition, they love our network of available artists across their markets of Chicago, DC and Philly. Finally, the murals we create are a perfect fit for a co-working space.

Consequently, they inspire the minds of the entrepreneur and business owner tenants.  With plans for rapid growth spanning in those cities for the next year, we were able to introduce ourselves into the creative process from an early standpoint, working directly with Make Offices’ interior decorating and construction firms to ensure a smooth and cohesive concept and execution.

We pulled inspiration from DC’s history and the surrounding area of Glover Park.  We created the artwork to be an extension of the surrounding landscapes.  As a result, the chalk mural brought elements from outside into the office.  The murals guided visitors on a conceptual path throughout the space.  Some of the artwork included a replicated a map of the city.  These maps highlighted significant landscapes in 3D drawings protruding off the map.

The oil bar medium we used created a chalk on chalkboard-like aesthetic.

Oil Bar

Oil Bar

Oil Bar

Oil Bar Graffiti Chalk

Oil Bar Graffiti Chalk

Oil Bar Graffiti Chalk

Oil Bar Graffiti Chalk

For project inquiries, please contact us at or call 646-801-6024

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