Graffiti USA is a professional artists agency, specializing in graffiti, street art, and murals. Because we operate nationwide, we offer a variety of services from coast to coast, and anywhere in between! We thought it would best to provide a comprehensive set of images that what we do and how we do it. Without further ado, let’s take a look!
We made this piece of exterior mural art near Louisville, Kentucky. Our goal was to make the most of the brick canvassing we needed to work with. Therefore, we used two techniques. First, we decided to leave parts of the brick in its natural state. Then, we added solid shapes and zebra print to keep the entire product as active as possible.
The interior wall art we made at the Eisai Corporate Office focused on stencil work, used to create silhouettes and the typeface. Another business in Cleveland wanted a professional artists agency to create something urban and stylish for them. We hand-painted the mural using aerosol spray paint.
Some businesses prefer typography over imagery in their office artwork. On the other hand, some businesses want alluring landscapes. The artwork shown in fourth and fifth panels were both made in Atlanta, for a environmental non-profit and a distribution company, respectively.
Finally, Oakley Sunglasses Co. contracted us to this map and cityscape of Manhattan. Its stark attention to detail is perhaps the best representation of what we are as a US art agency. In every case, we are proud to be the professional artists agency businesses can count on to produce quality artwork at any time.
If you want artwork like this for your business, contact us via email or phone today!