Graffiti Mural

The design of technology offices in big cities has become a genre. An overall vibe, that can be categorized. This kind of space seems to be about a mode of working, a demographic maybe, but a vibe for sure. This vibration is what About Objects was looking for when they commissioned a few pieces. The murals to live in their new space in Reston, VA. Conversationally, AO used an office typology with a roll down bay door in Santa Monica as an example. A place where you can just open the door and let the LA cool in. The air, the beach, the colors of the street. They expressed a place making desire like this, but in Virginia, where a California Cool is harder to come by. The interior of the bay door scene also includes raw concrete. Without a doubt we love the that surface. So we incorporated the columns in the overall mural.

The creative content for the graffiti mural heavily referenced important people and places in the About Objects story.  We packed them all into the nooks and crannies of a relatively abstract, typography based “Object” layout. We kept it loose and dirty, hitting the columns with splats and splashes, stenciled logos and bits of randomly placed Apple (LINK) code. The main wall is densely packed with Easter eggs (look for the tree bike), drips from the ceiling, and brings the street sense to the tech environment. If you stand near the bathroom, and squint and the mural, you might think you are on the boardwalk in Venice Beach.

*References include:

Pittsburgh, The Next Box, United States Steel, Blind Barber, vintage computer keyboards, Johnny Bravo, fox hunting, a bike in a tree, code ninjas, Apple termination code: 0x8badf00d “Ate Bad Food”, various client logos: (Apple, Android, Google), golf, Joe’s KC BBQ, Duquesne Incline, Golden Gate Bridge, Santa Monica Pier*


Concrete Wall Mural

Concrete Wall Mural

Concrete Graffiti Mural Concrete Graffiti Mural

Graffiti Mural Graffiti Mural

Graffiti Mural Office Wall Art

Office Murals

Let Our Graffiti Art Agency paint a special mural in your space. Whether it’s a live mural, customized giveaways or large scale art, we have you covered. Shoot us an email or give us a call: [email protected] or call 646-801-6024