Restaurant Graffiti Art for Dave’s Hot Chicken in Northridge, CA

Restaurant graffiti art for Dave’s Hot Chicken in Northridge, CA.  Restaurant chains often approach us looking for graffiti art.  However, spray painted imagery is what they usually mean.  It’s rare that a franchised operation such as Dave’s Hot Chicken will allow graffiti artists to actually paint graffiti lettering!  We are fans of a non-traditional creative process that allows the ideas for artwork to flow without restriction.  As a result, this free form of thinking allows each restaurant to have a unique identity.  The branding elements that tie in all the stores are in the signage.  Therefore, the restaurant graffiti art can stand on its own with local identity.

hot chicken graffiti lettering

fast food graffiti art

hot chicken mural northridge

ceiling street art restaurant

We painted these chicken head stencils on the ceiling.  It was a challenge to spray paint these images.  Our solution was to use a cardboard stencil with drilled out holes as a pattern.  As a result, the stencil remained stiff enough to spray upwards.

galaxy mural northridge

photo of restaurant graffiti art

This is the first Dave’s Hot Chicken restaurant that we have painted.  The client has worked with other graffiti artists in the past.  However, they were looking for a partner to scale their growth on a national level.  We have access to a professional design team and graffiti artists from coast to coast.  Therefore, we were a perfect mural art company to collaborate with.  In addition, our project managers can seamless integrate with the construction process of new store openings.

If you’re in the Northridge area, check out the new Dave’s Hot Chicken located at: 9205 Reseda Blvd, Northridge, CA 91324

Please contact for restaurant graffiti art projects or give us a ring at 310-853-8877

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