Last year, Graffiti USA’s Montana mural company worked on a custom mural in Missoula, Montana! Mod Pizza opened a new branch there, therefore, we got to work on some street art interior design.
Our friends at Mod designed this mural and we interpreted it with a combination of spray paint and brush on the wall. However, that isn’t the end of the story. We had the chance to stop by to check out our again, now that the restaurant is open. The astronaut mural has held up surprisingly well, thanks to its minimalist take on the state’s breathtaking mountain ranges.
Additionally, the color palette on the right hand side of the artwork makes a very big statement. Each primary color is used to great effect, drawing the eye from left to right. In conclusion, we felt that neither extreme overpowered the other in this astronaut graffiti art, and that the balance between the two dictated its overall success.
It seems rather silly to us that we never shared any of the installation shots from this project. The three photos we have available below have certainly put an end to that problem. Nothing beats the beauty of this state, especially in the summer time! If you need a little bit of help on a project, this Montana mural company will be there for you!
For project inquiries, please contact us at or call 646-801-6024